International Honors Bronze Champion
UKC CH Sympa-ly Five Stars
ASSA National Placement 2015
D.O.B. 5/2/2013
Redford x Kylee
Quincy was one of my picks of litter - Oscar had one "type" (like his sire) and Quincy had another "type" (like his dam). Quincy was Mr. Purple and we were calling him Merit. I had delayed selling him and had grown him out, to see who would be THE pick of the litter. I attended a family reunion for my husbands side and his Aunt was interested in a new puppy. They had Shelties in the past and missed them. We wrote up a contract and she was willing to let me show him, so the deal was done - Q was staying in the family :)
Carol did a great job training him and he was her companion at home when her husband was on the road. As he grew, I asked her to bring him to a show Oscar was entered in so I could groom him up and see how he matured. I had some advice, he was ready to show, and we planned some shows. In a whirlwind of one weekend, he finished his UKC Championship - the fastest ever so far! I decided I wanted to take him to the American Shetland Sheepdog Association National Dog Show, and we made the trip to Virginia! I hired a groomer to get him ring-ready, so when I took him in, we placed! I was on Cloud 9! I entered him in some International shows and again, he earned his International Championship and Honors Championship Bronze that weekend with all V1 ratings of mostly Excellent comments (and a few Very Good).
Since I did not continue showing him and focused on Oscar, he has been neutered and is still a very cherished pet.